Monday, November 10, 2008

IMC...Simple as 1,2,3

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) used to be a somewhat taboo idea. Why? Let's just break down the phase: integrated+marketing+communicatio= Public relations department meets marketing department(not always the best combination in the past. However, dispite the reluctance of marketing and PR to come together, IMC seems to be a perfect spawn.

The brief version of what IMC is: the effort for a company to create a recognizable brand that is releveant to a person and consistent over time. With these efforts, consumers develop a connection to the brand. Don Shultz, professor (emeritus-in-service) of integrated marketing communications at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. has published multiple articles on the topic that are available on American Marketing Association Web site Many of these articles are useful in explaining the various aspects of IMC as it relates to building brands today.

One useful article is here this article lays out the steps for a successful IMC campaign.

So can you identify any companies who have successfully implementd IMC? The basic premise is that you connect an image that you associate with a campaign that has been consistent and successful over many media platforms? Maybe a product that leaves an image in your head, or that has gained your loyalty? One that comes to mind for me is Diet Dr. Pepper. Don't get me wrong, I haven't touched a dark soda in ages. However, if I were to pop open a can I would choose Diet Dr. Pepper. Why? Because I know it tastes more like regular Dr. Pepper. Afterall, the TV, radio, and magazines all say the same it must be true...right?

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